CSE 4502/5717 Big Data Analytics; Fall 2019
Instructor: Sanguthevar Rajasekaran (RAJ, equivalently);
Office Hours: Tu Th 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM, ITEB 252, 6-2428; sanguthevar<dot>rajasekaran<at>uconn<dot>edu
Teaching Assistant:
Keerthana Gunda; keerthana<dot>gunda<at>uconn<dot>edu
Office Hours: M W 11:15 AM to 12:45 PM, ITEB 140
Grading Policy:
CSE 4502: Three homeworks worth a total of 10 points; Three exams worth 90 points
CSE 5717: Two homeworks worth a total of 10 points; Two exams worth a total of 50 points; Project and presentation worth a total of 40 points
A Lecture on Databases for Big Data by Zigeng Wang
Homework 1 due on September 24, 2019, 2PM; Solutions
Homework 2 due on October 29, 2019, 2PM; Solutions
Homework 3 due on December 3, 2 PM; Solutions
Review for Exam I on October 1, 2019, 5PM in BPB 131
Exam I on October 3, 2019, 5PM in BPB 131; Solutions; Helpsheet; Model Exam; Solutions
Review for Exam II on November 5, 2019, 5 PM in CAST 212
Exam II on November 7, 2019, 5 PM in CAST 212; Solutions; Helpsheet; Model Exam; Solutions;
Review for Exam III on December 3, 5PM in BUSN 106
Exam III on December 5, 5 PM in BUSN 106; Solutions; Helpsheet; Model Exam; Solutions;
Project Presentations will be at 9AM on December 7th in ITEB 201. Project reports are also due at 9AM on December 7th.